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Jul 15, 2007

Bangladesh: Military's Six Months in Power

When high-profile politicians were jailed in Dhaka for alleged corruption after an interim government took power in January, there was widespread incredulity in a country where political leaders were never seen as accountable.

Six months on, many people acknowledge that the army-backed administration is determined to root out corruption.

More than 170 political leaders are behind bars. The crackdown has earned accolades among ordinary people who are disillusioned with politicians.

Many of them have been accused of amassing personal wealth and ignoring the country's development needs.

Related Link: VOA News Report

Some analysts think the emergency administration will only hold elections when it has achieved its other major goal, reforming the country's two main political parties.

Despite the delay in elections, many people remain optimistic that the interim government can lead the country out of the crisis it faced in January. Then, differences between the two main political parties on how to hold elections triggered bloody street battles.

News via VOA

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