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Jul 21, 2007

Yesterday's prophecy and today's Bangladesh

For years, a number of local and international analysts have been predicting rise of Islamic militancy in Bangladesh or the country turning into a failed state.

The war on terror is being fought in many areas, and much of it is not being widely reported. According to international analysts, ‘A revolution is taking place in Bangladesh'.

Islamic fundamentalism, religious intolerance, militant Muslim groups with links to international terrorist groups, a powerful military with ties to the militants, the mushrooming of Islamic schools churning out radical students, middle-class apathy, poverty and lawlessness-all are combining to transform the nation.

"There are some extremists here, but they belong to fringe groups and are not part of the mainstream," says a Western envoy in Dhaka.

> Read full article

By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

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