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May 30, 2007

World Bank Continues Support to Bangladesh

WASHINGTON, May 29, 2007 — Bangladesh has continued to implement significant reforms that are showing results in the form of much-improved development outcomes. This has been despite the country’s struggles with high levels of corruption, political instability, natural disasters, and some 60 million people still living in deprivation.

The World Bank approved today an additional US$200 million in policy-based lending to bolster these reform efforts, now being led by a Caretaker Government.

The US$200 million fourth Development Support Credit (DSC) approved today directly addresses macroeconomic stability, trade liberalization, better functioning financial and power sectors, and reforms in core governance functions such as public financial management, the Anti-Corruption Commission, and tax administration.

With this, the World Bank has now provided US$1.1 billion in policy-based credits since 2003, including US$200 million credit in support of education sector reforms.

Project Information > Development Support Credit IV/Development Policy Lending

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